It looks like Dan's podcast has disappeared from the 10%app, how do I find them on Substack?

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Hi Marion!

We'll have simple instructions and a full rollout of ad-free listening coming your way this Sunday morning, March 2!

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Thanks, DJ, I look forward to having (Hopefully easy) access to Dan’s podcasts as they have been a regular part of my life since 2020. Wondering if you will be archiving past episodes as they are no longer available with the Happier subscription.

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Hi Marion! I'm so glad to hear you've been finding the pod supportive for so long.

Yes, all past and future episodes are available ad-free right here starting today. If you're a paid subscriber, just go to the Podcast tab, or go to danharris.com/listen.

They're also available (with ads) for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all other podcast players.

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Ok DJ, my problem seems to be that I cannot find a “podcast tab” on Substack . I have always used my iPad and not my phone to listen to podcasts. Someone else said there was a “Hamburger” to click on. I don’t see that. Sorry😕

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No worries!

Try going here and let me know if it works for you?


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You can also click here for more robust setup instructions:


That should work!

But if you're still having trouble, no worries--you can email adfreepod@danharris.com for more support.

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It works on my iPhone but not on my iPad

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I’m so annoyed. I followed Dan via his book to 10% happier years ago. I don’t know who 1/2 the people there are. This all feels very subversive on their part. It’s not the same app I signed up for anymore.

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He announced last fall that this would be happening - that's when the app changed its name to "10%" (without the happier)

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The app changed to Happier. Plenty of ways to still support Dan and continue on your happiness journey. Check him out at danharris.com 🤗

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Yes, just realized my mistake! Thanks

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Thanks for clearing that up. I’m still annoyed but the whole split annoyed me from the first. It feels ugly. Still, I exaggerated. I do know who most of the teachers over there are and I still use it for guided meditations. It’s useful to me.

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Marion, I was able to add his podcast add free from substack. under the three bars (the hamburger) >manage subscriptions > notifications > podcast > set up podcast app

Hope that makes sense

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I’m going to try - thank you for the roadmap. I am a subscriber but I’m older so navigating this stuff is not second nature to me 🙃

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I was shocked when I discovered the podcasts were gone. Even my downloaded favorites are gone. (I found them on Spotify.) Surprising to me how much the breakup of 10% happier has shaken me. Not a good time for this trusted seemingly stable community to disintegrate amongst the chaos that is the current world.

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Hello I see that others have written about the podcast disappearing from the app here - I'm so sad! I didn't realize how comforting it was to me to have the podcast tab there, until it was gone. I'm glad we'll be getting some guidance on how to access the pod soon. This is unlikely but I'm hoping there is some way to preserve our record of which episodes we've listened too, which we hadn't gotten to yet, and which are our favorites? 🙏 I am a paid subscriber to Dan's substack and also still a paid subscriber to Happier - having trouble letting go of the app even though Dan's not there any more. Clinging clinging clinging 😅

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Agreed! School of Rock holds up. Also, check out the animated movie Flow on Max. My 15 year old and I bonded over it. It’s very relaxing, aesthetically gorgeous and has a nice (Buddhist?) message.

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100% with the productivity and cat rotation!!

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We loved The School of Rock when my kids were little.

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Much appreciated fixation share! I have a son around the same age and like you, I find it hard to find movies we both can enjoy. I’ve always had an appreciation for graffiti art and School of Rock just needs to be in rotation! Thanks Ace 🤘🏼

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Love School of Rock! It’s a classic and something I find my husband watching when he’s had a tough week. ❤️ will need to checkout style wars, love your comparison to a mandala. Graffiti is an art in its own right and its nature is to be temporary. A great Buddhist reminder, nothing lasts forever.

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I can't figure out how to find podcasts now that they're off Happier. Please advise!

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Question - I'm getting ads in my Wondery 10% Happier podcasts now. It's paid. Ads are new. I don't love them in the way of your interviews.... Odd just thought I should report to you all :)

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Hi! Sorry for the confusion.

We're in the middle of a big change in our podcast distribution today. It's something we've been preparing for for a long time, but we haven't been able to say too much about it publicly.

The pod will no longer be available early/ad-free on the Happier app, or on Wondery+.

The new place for ad-free listening will be right here on DanHarris.com. Instructions to follow this Sunday, March 2!

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Hi Dan, As a 10% follower from the beginning and now trying to have my foot in both 10% and your doorway, I want you to know how confusing this is for your followers. Please send an email with clear instructions on how we get the content that we love (mostly podcasts from Ten Percent Happier). Where we find them…? I have subscribed to you as well as Happier%. I hope I don’t want to have to pay additional funds for content I thought I have already paid for. Thank you in advance for this clarificatiin.

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Hi Deborah,

It is confusing! You are right!

We knew this was coming, and we have done our best to prepare--clear instructions will be coming your way this Sunday, March 2.

Please know that we've been thinking for many months about how to be as skillful as possible during this transition--and we've been limited at certain junctures in terms of what we are and are not allowed to share, when, and how.

That said, ad-free listening will be fully rolled out, with simple instructions, on Sunday. And/but early listening will not be a part of that.

Our hope is that having a single release date for everyone will actually help bring this virtual sangha together, since everyone will get the episodes at the same time moving forward.

(This will also free up some bandwidth for us behind the scenes, and allow us to be much more nimble with our editorial calendar.)

Hang in there! We appreciate you!

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I found the way to his podcasts here and would like to share what worked for me. Because yeah, that was frustrating. Substack is not intuitive.

Under the three bars (the hamburger, was in the upper right for me) >manage subscriptions > notifications > podcast > set up podcast app

Hope this helps Deborah

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Are you on android or apple? Tried following your instructions and got a “can’t manage subscriptions in the app” but when I try to sign into the website i don’t see my subscription to Dan’s content. Very frustrating.

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aw drats. You saw that DJ says it will be easier this Sunday?

I had used the app on android device.

Noticing on the web interface, when I am here in Dan's section, if I click on the down arrow on my avatar (no hamburger) I have an option in between Notifications and Payment Information called Private Podcast Feed that features 10%

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Thank you so much, however I don’t believe this will entitle me to hearing his upcoming podcasts weeks in advance like I could as a paid subscriber to the original Ten Percent Happier app.

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Yeah, that was fun wasn't it :)

DJ mentioned above that they are bringing everyone synchronous wrt podcast release timing.

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I found the early access OK until this community was created. The posts here are not based on the early access, so that was becoming confusing as I'd listen to a podcast and then the discussion of it would come some time later. Having everyone have access at the same time will hopefully make for more discussion here in the sangha.

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Dan, your Buddhist practice is working. I can tell by your interpretation of the all the graffiti that people put up. Regarding breaking the law, I think that was not that much of a consideration and impermanence wasn't even on the list. Thanks

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As a parent still recovering from the Barney and friends era, I totally understand. That movie is a good choice, Ace. 🤣🤣 Would like to know what you are reading in your next Friday Fixations. I am listening to Fairy Tales, by Stephen King. Very addicting.

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