I have also been thinking about trying historical times since the election and went down a rabbit hole about Lincoln (another rewatch movie on my list). I discovered he established Thanksgiving as a national holiday exactly three months after the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The dichotomy of gratitude amidst carnage inspired me to write about lessons we can lean on from Lincoln and Buddhism:
I believe Churchill also said: “When you’re going through hell…keep going”. Apt advice for the current existential dilemmas, to which I would also add “and bring snacks”.
Love these recos! Let's share! I obsessed over Season 2 of The Diplomat. Alison Janney FTW. The track that keeps my fire lit right now is List of Demands by Saul Williams. Also gazing at some Dalí and Miró my fave Spanish artists from the Franco era.
As noted by a few people when Dan previously posted a Churchill quote he is a divisive figure. There's a fantastic BBC podcast available on spotify called Three Million. Definitely an eye opener. Very well made programme.
Will be watching Darkest Hour again. Thanks for the recommendation. Just watched Fiona and was so funny. Will find that band in Apple Music and give them a listen. Love Friday Fixations.
I love Darkest Hour! So moving. To follow the line about remembering our country has found it’s way through trying times, last night I watched the first part of History Channel’s documentary on Theodore Roosevelt. Will finish it today.
That show came up and I’ve hesitated because we are living in the darkest hour. Not sure I wanted to add more 😬 but I’ll check it out. So far, your recommendations have been pretty damn skippy
Love The Darkest Hour, a beautiful piece of filmmaking and Gary Oldman, as always, is brilliant. Have you caught him in Slow Horses yet? Characters are wildly different but he's equally awesome in that.
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth."
This line, spoken by Winston Churchill, highlights the urgency and gravity of facing a formidable challenge. It underscores the idea that in critical moments, decisive action is necessary when conventional approaches fail to address immediate threats.
Please consider hosting a live meditation party in the Midwest.
I have also been thinking about trying historical times since the election and went down a rabbit hole about Lincoln (another rewatch movie on my list). I discovered he established Thanksgiving as a national holiday exactly three months after the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The dichotomy of gratitude amidst carnage inspired me to write about lessons we can lean on from Lincoln and Buddhism:
Will also putting Darkest Hour, Lincoln, Braveheart, Gettysburg and Glory on my end of year movie list.
I believe Churchill also said: “When you’re going through hell…keep going”. Apt advice for the current existential dilemmas, to which I would also add “and bring snacks”.
Love these recos! Let's share! I obsessed over Season 2 of The Diplomat. Alison Janney FTW. The track that keeps my fire lit right now is List of Demands by Saul Williams. Also gazing at some Dalí and Miró my fave Spanish artists from the Franco era.
❤️ Fiona ❤️
As noted by a few people when Dan previously posted a Churchill quote he is a divisive figure. There's a fantastic BBC podcast available on spotify called Three Million. Definitely an eye opener. Very well made programme.
I LOVE Fiona! Thank you for the 911 😎I aspire to be as chill as she is.
micro-felicities - the word itself is one, and apt for that movie
Yes! Gary Oldman is amazing in this. Hard to believe he can fit a roll this way. I have watched this move multiple time and always entertained.
Will be watching Darkest Hour again. Thanks for the recommendation. Just watched Fiona and was so funny. Will find that band in Apple Music and give them a listen. Love Friday Fixations.
loved The Darkest Hour, definitely one to watch again. Thank you for your post, insightful as usual. :)
I love Darkest Hour! So moving. To follow the line about remembering our country has found it’s way through trying times, last night I watched the first part of History Channel’s documentary on Theodore Roosevelt. Will finish it today.
That show came up and I’ve hesitated because we are living in the darkest hour. Not sure I wanted to add more 😬 but I’ll check it out. So far, your recommendations have been pretty damn skippy
Love The Darkest Hour, a beautiful piece of filmmaking and Gary Oldman, as always, is brilliant. Have you caught him in Slow Horses yet? Characters are wildly different but he's equally awesome in that.
This suffering being is loving your recommendations and being introduced weekly to new music and movies. Keep it coming!
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth."
This line, spoken by Winston Churchill, highlights the urgency and gravity of facing a formidable challenge. It underscores the idea that in critical moments, decisive action is necessary when conventional approaches fail to address immediate threats.