Interesting conversation. I think it would have been longer and more of a conversation if the glitches hadn’t been so prevalent. Hopefully you can have her back on once Substack fixes their video issues. One thing I really found interesting was Sharon’s last comments on having a positive vision of the future which was very similar to what Van said about having a dream of a better future. Creating the life for yourself you want to see in the world. Both Van and Sharon are wonderful examples of hope and living values. Thanks Dan for having these segments. I really enjoy the 30 minute segments. It’s food for thought and easily digestible.

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I like how Sharon encourages us to find things that we can do within our communities that can make some small difference rather than just thrown up our hands because we feel overwhelmed with all the negative news. Looking around and seeing where you CAN help is a good start.

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Very useful conversation. I'm glad you touched upon doing the next right thing and what we can do as individuals. Thank you for providing these replays because attending live often doesn't jive with my schedule.

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Sharon continues to be an amazing teacher! Loved this conversation, even with the technical glitches.

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Grateful for the renewed optimism I found in this discussion during these crazy times! 🌞 Thank you so much for this very helpful perspective, Dan and Sharon! 🙏🌸 Sending love from the UK. 💕

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One thing I love about doing the next right thing is that it's easy and quick and allows me to move on to the next right thing or just whatever else I have in front of me during the day. Sometimes the next right thing is just taking a deep breath and getting back to what I have to do because there's meaning in even just a little thing like that. Thank you for this one!

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I love how Sharon can articulate these thoughts so well. Super helpful

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Love this!! I think she is the McMahon that should be the Sec of Education! Maybe there is a mix up of McMahons!! Ugh…Bring her back on - and how can we hear more from her? Thank you, Dan! Love you, too! Your book and 10% Happier App have been so helpful to me.

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