This is fantastic yet somehow it also feels overwhelming. I love the idea of community but this feels so big- like one of those freshman seminars in college where you hide anonymously and silently in the back of the auditorium because it feels like all of the popular outgoing kids are the raising their hand and offering interesting and insightful comments. I’d love to hear how you envision someone like me -a struggling meditator, life long searcher and regular doofus- squeezing the best out of this community from the back of the room. Thanks!

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I too wonder how I will manage in a community like this. I personally have learned so much over the last two years because of Dan's insight and interviews. I'm going to trust that this will not change. So, this frosh will concentrate on the here and now! I will continue to practice to sit with myself in tough times and the good times! Thanks Dan for the invitation.


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Congratulations, Dan. Is there a special cult membership level that includes the IPMF tee? I hope it can just be the cult name at some point.

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Ooh. I’m on board for that. Printed on the back though.

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I’m down for a IPMF tee!!

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Thank you Dan for making authenticity and vulnerability desirable and possible. You own your own identity, issues and shortcomings in such a genuine manner but with self compassion…. I am a psychiatrist and have suggested your podcast to many of my patients. Keep the good work MF🤪

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Looking forward to joining live eventually but unless your AMA days change or my work schedule changes I’ll have to settle for tuning in later! I have so many questions but you opened this cat door so I’m barging through enthusiastically— does Toby like to join you when you’re meditating? Does his presence change the way you meditate or for how long (Cat Law with a cat in your lap…)? How can we incorporate our beloved pets in our meditations?

Signed, Childless Cat Lady

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Can anyone else adopt the IPMF signature line, or do we need to send you a royalty?

Thank you for the efforts in sharing information and being a bright light in this world!!

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What does IPMF stand for?

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Dan’s “tag line” Inner peace mother f******

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I love Dan.... But I do not like this tag line. I'm a party pooper I guess

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Not a party pooper at all Lora, a bright courageous soul sharing their perspective. Thank you for sharing it ☺️

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Ah, thanks for that Arthur! That's so kind of you.

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WOOOOOOW! That is perfect.

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I too would love to use this tag line...it's helping me from increasing rigidity and resentment in my job right now!

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Thanks for doing this, Dan.

Two totally un-related questions for you:

(1) If you're willing: could you share more about the differences that caused the rift between you and your co-founders of 10% Happier?

(2) Any career advice for someone who's wanting to get more involved with mindfulness as a full-time profession? What areas of the industry do you think needs attention (i.e., has urgent problems to solve) and growth potential?

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Looking forward to it-

For anyone new to Substack - you need to have the Substack app, then in the settings (gear on bottom right), turn on Notifications for Live Videos & hopefully that will work! 🤞😊

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Learning how Substack works is new for many of us and a bit confusing. I have downloaded the app on my phone, but need to work from my PC (accessibility issues). I have both on hand for today, we'll see how this plays out.

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same here. I downloaded it to my iphone but prefer to be on my laptop

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Thanks for your quick response. Still can’t find settings.

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I know it is confusing - this is day one for all live videos for Substack so we will all see how this shakes out! 🤞🤞🧘‍♀️😊

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I can get to notifications, but do not see an option for Live Videos. Sheesh.

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Cant find the settings on bottom right.🙆🏻‍♀️

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Click on your profile pic on the upper right first, then you’ll see the gear for settings

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What is different about your vision and “Happier’s” that lead to a parting of the ways?

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Hi Dan, I love being a part of your new community/cult. 💙 I deeply appreciate you sharing your vulnerability as you pivot and create a new path for yourself. I am also expanding my career in ways that require me to say “YES!” to opportunities that both excite and terrify me. What in your mindfulness meditation practice supports you in taking brave new (scary!) steps?

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Thanks Dan! Your presence here has provided the push I needed to join you and other folks I follow on Substack, which I am still figuring out. Following you on social media has also made me curious about Buddhism and what it teaches. What’s the best way to learn more as a beginner?

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Hi, Though my personal suggestion to your question to Dan Harris (clearly not me) is going to sound like a sales pitch, I assure you it’s not, nor am I being trying to brown nose Dan. (Wink:::Wink to Dan who I’ve never met. Yet.)

To regain a peace of mind along with my sanity that I started to lose pre-COVID, I took a big step by stepping away from using SM and it’s increasingly growing platforms. To this day I rarely get on SM. I mention this only because it is related to my personal suggestion.

Since jumping off SM and then giving the Ten Percent Happier app a test drive back in January (after signing up for the one month Free Trial), I use the app almost every day now. It has genuinely become an integral part of my daily life. That is why my suggestion is to start with the Ten Percent Happier app. Though there isn’t any external evidence of my immense gratitude or personal growth since using the app for 8 1/2 months now,I assure you the evidence is forever embedded internally. I am eternally grateful, thankful and I’ll even go as far as saying blessed. Maybe Dan can share with all of us the words Buddha would use to express my feelings?

Wishing loving kindness to all.

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Question for tomorrow. A few years ago, you mentioned in the course of interviewing others that you were working on a book about your loving kindness practice. If I’m remembering that correctly, my question is are you still working on that? Selfishly interested as I practice this form and I want to consume more content about it besides what’s already out there. Particularly content that is both scientifically grounded (convince us science-inclined folks of how compelling the science is behind LKM) and a field guide (what worked for you, what didn’t, how your LKM practice has evolved, how it has caused you to evolve). If you are not working on the LKM book, why’d you shelve it? If you got creatively stuck, what caused you to feel stuck? If you got unstuck, how did you unstick yourself? Or if all these questions are totally off-base, here’s a simpler more open ended one: are you working on a book about LKM and if so, talk a bit about the process of writing it and where you are in the process.

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Was on the live, but was buffering and eventually failed. Nothing to do but be patient. At least I notice how much I want this community to work and to be part of the good it can create

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For what it’s worth, my feed was perfect the whole time so probably an issue on your end. A few people had a problem, but I think it worked for most.

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I hardly used social media before because the waves of information based on algorithms easily lead to feelings of unhappiness and overwhelm in my mind. I never heard of Substack before and only signed up for it, because I liked what you did in the App. I especially liked that the App (I always considered as yours) gave filtered and structured information and inspiration. Now this is a new experience for me and my question is: How do you handle your intake on platforms like this and find information that is really worthwhile spending your time with in this flood of texts, videos and invitations that are not only in the platform/App but also coming in via email?

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Can you discuss how we can access the diverse meditation teachers that were offered on 10 Percent Happier. Thank You.

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Thank you for asking for questions. I have read your books, and I have been using the App and listening to the podcast since the beginning.

How do you describe what you are creating and why are you doing this?

What is the goal and mission of your new venture and what methods are you using?

How do you want people to benefit from this new endeavor of yours?

Written by a "hopeful skeptic." Thank you.

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Dan, you are the best. I am happy for you in this new venture and for the fact that you are still connected to the Happier app (formerly 10% Happier).

I am having trouble navigating the substack app and don’t find it as user-friendly as your former app. I appreciate some assistance. Thanks kindly, Louise Adam

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