Hayden, you beautiful human! Thank you. I wasn’t entirely stumped as a newbie to Substack, but wasn’t feeling entirely savvy either. This was incredibly helpful! Cheers.
I've gotta be honest: I was surprised and disappointed to see that Substack was chosen as the new home for the Dan Harris community. The platform's leadership has been reluctant to remove/demonetize Nazi content. It's why I have been hesitant to become a full member: although I want to support the work that Dan does, I don't want any of my money going to Substack.
Has this been a conversation with the team? If so, why did you decide to stick with Substack despite many notable publications (Platformer, Garbage Day, Sasha Frere Jones) jumping ship?
I seem to be the only one but I hate this. Sorry to be negative. How can I talk to someone to get straightened out? I've paid my subscription but I keep getting interrupted with ads on the podcast. How do I contact someone direct to get help??
Thanks Hayden, really helpful and comprehensive. If it's possible sometime I'd love a short tutorial with more focus on the chat and the threading you mentioned, maybe just a couple of examples so I'm clearer on what's going on there. I'd like to see how you reply to someone's comment, how you find a reply to one of your comments or questions, and how to retreat when you're done!
Thanks for this! I still have trouble navigating to the original thread within a thread, if that makes sense. I can’t seem to be able to read the question that was posted only the latest answer.
Yeah so the problem here is that no one (including the team) has really been utilizing the thread within thread option in the chat, so its kind of a never ending cascade of comments and questions. Hopefully going forward it'll be a little cleaner now that Dan and the team know about using the thread within a thread feature.
Hayden, I've tried posting, but it doesn't stay in the thread--it goes away? I do NOT understand how to access Dan's new app? I'm so confused. I subscribed to 10% happier from its beginning, but now I don't know how to find 10% in ONE place--is it substack, is it wonderly, is it Dan Harris.com? I could really use some help. I had so many saved favorite meditations on 10% Happier. Everything was in ONE PLACE in the app, and now I'm so lost and confused. Can you (or anyone reading this) please help me navigate the new 10%? Thank you.
Hi Tobi, so Danharris.com (the substack) has a selection of meditations as well as all of the latest (and archived) publicly available podcast and a lot of new content from Dan like AMA’s, videos, and his thoughts on the latest 10% episodes. If you’re looking for the whole library of meditations and podcast episodes all in one place, that can be found at the Happier app (which Dan is no longer a part of). Danharris.com can be accessed through both the browser and the Substack app
So grateful for your response. So if I want to access Dan's new 10% Happier, there is not an app just for that. I go to Danharris.com through my browser. The only app is substack (which I'm not familiar with using). Is that correct? Thank you for your clarification. I know Dan is no longer part of Happier app. I'm trying to follow him in his new app/venture and finding it difficult. Thanks again.
Christina - I totally know what you mean! If you click on the comment that has been responded to (in blue), it will actually scroll up to the original comment so you can read it in full. It took me a little while to figure this out too.
When I clicked on the comment, it scrolled all the way to the top of the thread and I still could not find the original question. I must be missing it somehow😕
I wrote a comment but it does not show up. I do NOT understand where/how to access Dan's new app. Is it no longer like 10% was (which I subscribed to from the beginning)? One place to find everything-podcasts, meditations, saved favorites (can we even do that anymore? I had so many on original app.) I don't understand wonderly vs. Dan Harris.com. Hayden or anyone reading this, please help! What's the relationship to Substact? I'm just lost and want to continue to support Dan and be a part of his community. Help!
I do not understand where to go for the new app. It's not like 10% Happier WAS where everything was in one place. So we no longer have access to all our meditations we saved as favorites, etc? I just don't get whether we are to go to Wondery or to danharris.com or if there is just one place to access everything as there was with the old 10% happier app (of which I was a paid member for years!) And am I correct, we have to subscribe to BOTH if we want to access our favorite mediations, etc.? Please help, Hayden (or anyone else wiling and able :). Thank you.
I’ve been with you since the beginning with Ten Percent. I love what you have done to bring meditation to so many who may never have been introduced to it without you. I am trying to get away from the computer as much as possible. I have a great physical social life and I just loved the simplicity of checking in to Ten Percent for a new meditation or a video with one of the great meditation teachers that helped you start with the program. This past year I have become disappointed with very few new meditations. But still I just listened to the older ones over and over. I am not excited about using Substack. I will stay connected for a month or two to give it a try. I will keep listening to the Ten Percent podcast because your interviews are great. I wish you the best and am sorry you are having panic attacks again. It sure seems stress related. May the force be with you.
Thanks. BUt I am still suffering with the new substack thing. Why don't all of the podcasts show up? I was specifically looking for the recent 3 part correspondent series with DJ. I was really hoping for the cheat sheet and ideally a transcript. Please help
Hi Julie, apologies the podcast archive is available on Substack but because its just not great as an audio player, the most recent episodes are best found everywhere else. If you want cheat sheets and transcripts for the 3 DJ episodes, they are in our posts. They all have the same thumbnail with Dan and DJ and most recent one is titled "This is Real Strength"
Hello! I'm a bit lost. I'm finding it difficult to understand the features of the Dan Harris subscription vs the Happier app. The happier app still seems to have the 10% happier podcast - early episodes, ad free, whereas the Dan Harris site seems to only have public 10% podcasts with ads and refers one to subscribe at 'Wonderey Plus'. I can't find anywhere to ask this question on the site, so I'm trying here! If I do subscribe as a paid Dan Harris subscriber through Substack, does the webpage update itself for early and ad-free podcast access? or do I need to get that through the Happier app or this Wonderey thing? Thanks for your advice! Marla
Hi Marla, due to contractual agreements with Wondery and the Happier app, the ad free and 1 week early pod feed is only available through those services for the time being. In the future, we hope to offer those perks through Substack, but as of right now, our hands are tied.
I am disappointed that we can't access the "cheat sheets" on DanHarris.com or Substack (and honestly, not sure if those are the same thing?) until they are "public" on 10% App? This was a "feature" promoted to subscribers, and I have subscribed but can't get these so I feel a little duped. Also *Not Sure* I am getting enough benefit from being a subscriber to continue. AND as pointed out, there is no way to get HELP except through these note chains. Yikes.
Hi Kathryn, I'm really sorry you're having trouble. The Substack and danharris.com are the same thing and you can access all premium content if you are a paid subscriber to the Substack. We do not provide these cheatsheets on the app because we are no longer with the Happier company. The only reason the episodes are still going to that app is due to a contractual obligation through March.
As for why you aren't able to access those cheatsheets, I'm unsure. Are you sure you're talking about the cheatsheets and not the show notes? It says on our end that you have full access to everything. Also, you can always get immediate support from substack by clicking on your profile image and hitting "support" in the dropdown.
Hayden--I do not understand. Paid is only available through which? Wondery? This is all so confusing. I posted a question to you earlier today which I hope you can respond to. I'm totally lost on how to access the new app/site? Please help.
My biggest issue with Substack is that I need to turn off my VPN and Ad Blocker to use it. A compromise I’m not willing to make. I should have checked this before signing up for the whole year.
Hayden, you beautiful human! Thank you. I wasn’t entirely stumped as a newbie to Substack, but wasn’t feeling entirely savvy either. This was incredibly helpful! Cheers.
Thank you for your kind information. I’m the target audience needing this :-) 71 and not tech savvy.
I've gotta be honest: I was surprised and disappointed to see that Substack was chosen as the new home for the Dan Harris community. The platform's leadership has been reluctant to remove/demonetize Nazi content. It's why I have been hesitant to become a full member: although I want to support the work that Dan does, I don't want any of my money going to Substack.
Has this been a conversation with the team? If so, why did you decide to stick with Substack despite many notable publications (Platformer, Garbage Day, Sasha Frere Jones) jumping ship?
I seem to be the only one but I hate this. Sorry to be negative. How can I talk to someone to get straightened out? I've paid my subscription but I keep getting interrupted with ads on the podcast. How do I contact someone direct to get help??
Thanks Hayden, really helpful and comprehensive. If it's possible sometime I'd love a short tutorial with more focus on the chat and the threading you mentioned, maybe just a couple of examples so I'm clearer on what's going on there. I'd like to see how you reply to someone's comment, how you find a reply to one of your comments or questions, and how to retreat when you're done!
Thanks so much.
Eek THANK YOU SO MUCH. Beautifully done! I'm all in, but I was so lost. Appreciate your time
Thanks for this! I still have trouble navigating to the original thread within a thread, if that makes sense. I can’t seem to be able to read the question that was posted only the latest answer.
Yeah so the problem here is that no one (including the team) has really been utilizing the thread within thread option in the chat, so its kind of a never ending cascade of comments and questions. Hopefully going forward it'll be a little cleaner now that Dan and the team know about using the thread within a thread feature.
Hayden, I've tried posting, but it doesn't stay in the thread--it goes away? I do NOT understand how to access Dan's new app? I'm so confused. I subscribed to 10% happier from its beginning, but now I don't know how to find 10% in ONE place--is it substack, is it wonderly, is it Dan Harris.com? I could really use some help. I had so many saved favorite meditations on 10% Happier. Everything was in ONE PLACE in the app, and now I'm so lost and confused. Can you (or anyone reading this) please help me navigate the new 10%? Thank you.
Hi Tobi, so Danharris.com (the substack) has a selection of meditations as well as all of the latest (and archived) publicly available podcast and a lot of new content from Dan like AMA’s, videos, and his thoughts on the latest 10% episodes. If you’re looking for the whole library of meditations and podcast episodes all in one place, that can be found at the Happier app (which Dan is no longer a part of). Danharris.com can be accessed through both the browser and the Substack app
So grateful for your response. So if I want to access Dan's new 10% Happier, there is not an app just for that. I go to Danharris.com through my browser. The only app is substack (which I'm not familiar with using). Is that correct? Thank you for your clarification. I know Dan is no longer part of Happier app. I'm trying to follow him in his new app/venture and finding it difficult. Thanks again.
Thank you so much. I kinda figured it out but was confused about a few things and you cleared it up.
Thanks for responding! That’s helpful to know 😊
Christina - I totally know what you mean! If you click on the comment that has been responded to (in blue), it will actually scroll up to the original comment so you can read it in full. It took me a little while to figure this out too.
When I clicked on the comment, it scrolled all the way to the top of the thread and I still could not find the original question. I must be missing it somehow😕
I wrote a comment but it does not show up. I do NOT understand where/how to access Dan's new app. Is it no longer like 10% was (which I subscribed to from the beginning)? One place to find everything-podcasts, meditations, saved favorites (can we even do that anymore? I had so many on original app.) I don't understand wonderly vs. Dan Harris.com. Hayden or anyone reading this, please help! What's the relationship to Substact? I'm just lost and want to continue to support Dan and be a part of his community. Help!
I do not understand where to go for the new app. It's not like 10% Happier WAS where everything was in one place. So we no longer have access to all our meditations we saved as favorites, etc? I just don't get whether we are to go to Wondery or to danharris.com or if there is just one place to access everything as there was with the old 10% happier app (of which I was a paid member for years!) And am I correct, we have to subscribe to BOTH if we want to access our favorite mediations, etc.? Please help, Hayden (or anyone else wiling and able :). Thank you.
I’ve been with you since the beginning with Ten Percent. I love what you have done to bring meditation to so many who may never have been introduced to it without you. I am trying to get away from the computer as much as possible. I have a great physical social life and I just loved the simplicity of checking in to Ten Percent for a new meditation or a video with one of the great meditation teachers that helped you start with the program. This past year I have become disappointed with very few new meditations. But still I just listened to the older ones over and over. I am not excited about using Substack. I will stay connected for a month or two to give it a try. I will keep listening to the Ten Percent podcast because your interviews are great. I wish you the best and am sorry you are having panic attacks again. It sure seems stress related. May the force be with you.
Thank you! Super helpful. A similar video related to the Substack app would be awesome!
This was super helpful. Thank you, Hayden. It is so cool to be part of this community of DanHarris-minded individuals. ❤️
I think it’s just fine. Love it the way it is.
Thanks. BUt I am still suffering with the new substack thing. Why don't all of the podcasts show up? I was specifically looking for the recent 3 part correspondent series with DJ. I was really hoping for the cheat sheet and ideally a transcript. Please help
Hi Julie, apologies the podcast archive is available on Substack but because its just not great as an audio player, the most recent episodes are best found everywhere else. If you want cheat sheets and transcripts for the 3 DJ episodes, they are in our posts. They all have the same thumbnail with Dan and DJ and most recent one is titled "This is Real Strength"
Hello! I'm a bit lost. I'm finding it difficult to understand the features of the Dan Harris subscription vs the Happier app. The happier app still seems to have the 10% happier podcast - early episodes, ad free, whereas the Dan Harris site seems to only have public 10% podcasts with ads and refers one to subscribe at 'Wonderey Plus'. I can't find anywhere to ask this question on the site, so I'm trying here! If I do subscribe as a paid Dan Harris subscriber through Substack, does the webpage update itself for early and ad-free podcast access? or do I need to get that through the Happier app or this Wonderey thing? Thanks for your advice! Marla
Hi Marla, due to contractual agreements with Wondery and the Happier app, the ad free and 1 week early pod feed is only available through those services for the time being. In the future, we hope to offer those perks through Substack, but as of right now, our hands are tied.
I am disappointed that we can't access the "cheat sheets" on DanHarris.com or Substack (and honestly, not sure if those are the same thing?) until they are "public" on 10% App? This was a "feature" promoted to subscribers, and I have subscribed but can't get these so I feel a little duped. Also *Not Sure* I am getting enough benefit from being a subscriber to continue. AND as pointed out, there is no way to get HELP except through these note chains. Yikes.
Hi Kathryn, I'm really sorry you're having trouble. The Substack and danharris.com are the same thing and you can access all premium content if you are a paid subscriber to the Substack. We do not provide these cheatsheets on the app because we are no longer with the Happier company. The only reason the episodes are still going to that app is due to a contractual obligation through March.
As for why you aren't able to access those cheatsheets, I'm unsure. Are you sure you're talking about the cheatsheets and not the show notes? It says on our end that you have full access to everything. Also, you can always get immediate support from substack by clicking on your profile image and hitting "support" in the dropdown.
Hayden--I do not understand. Paid is only available through which? Wondery? This is all so confusing. I posted a question to you earlier today which I hope you can respond to. I'm totally lost on how to access the new app/site? Please help.
My biggest issue with Substack is that I need to turn off my VPN and Ad Blocker to use it. A compromise I’m not willing to make. I should have checked this before signing up for the whole year.