One of my favorite quotes from the Dalai Lama is "Anger and aggression sometimes seem to be productive because they bring energy to bear on a particular situation but that energy is blind. It takes a calm mind to be able to consider things from different angles and points of view.".

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You guys are part of my sphere – so I just want to say – good for you for showing up this week - for doing the work and taking the first steps in processing what you are feeling!

This is not easy work, especially if you are dealing with big emotions. The Course in Miracles says that there are two underlying emotions, love and fear. Anger comes from fear and many are angry because they are afraid, so taking the ‘next needed step’ as Dan so eloquently put it, is always going to be the right thing. For some the next right step might be upping your meditation, self-care, and boundaries around certain people or activities while you feel raw. Wishing you all well as you move forward.

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I like this practice but always find I lose the thread when it gets to the all of the world. I can't help feeling like it's....disingenuous(?)...my mind can't get past the fact that there is suffering and conflict and illness at a grand scale. My kindness practice feels so trivial and self-serving in the face of that.

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For me, I think about the adage, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ That helps me get past the overwhelming suffering in the world and focus on not being a source of suffering. I don’t know if that’s helpful. I’m no expert.

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Yes, I find myself crying through it.

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Thank you 🙏- I feel a sea of love. ❤️

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Thank you Dan. I’m not enraged, but your logic is perfect and helpful. Rage is not helpful.

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Crying, yes!

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Crying can help release some of the tension we carry, so cry away.

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Good morning. So good to be here.

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It is good isn't it, to have a group of people that you know are working on themselves. Hope you have a good day and a great weekend Dawn.

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I love that « I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it. » Will use it with my pre-teen son :) Love you too, Dan

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Yes, I cried through this whole meditation. it felt good to let myself do this

Also, had to chase the chatter away - several times

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Found you from Rome. But you are too partisan, sorry I will pass. Thanks.

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It's not partisan...it's humanity and the actual care and love for it. I'm glad you realized this space isn't for you.

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This group makes me feel hugged. 🙏🙏🙏

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I have searched high and low on danharris.com as well as Amazon and other books sources cannot find dump it here journal

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Thank you for this. So helpful right now.

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